Those are biting words. Why do we get so busy we don’t have time for what’s important—God, family, neighbors, ourselves? Our kids are on club sports teams, dance, music, or drama rehearsals for others. We’re school parents, church kids’ club volunteers, coaches, or working so much we just “don’t have time.” WHY? In my opinion, we’re selfish. I missed major milestones in my kids’ lives because I was “so busy working.” And I regret it. While it seems important, if it gets in the way of our time with God, family time, and offering hospitality, it’s NOT good. Evaluate. Set limits. And PLAN these important times. If planning is important enough for these other activities, shouldn’t it be good for what’s MOST important?
Suggested Reading: Psalm 1:2, Psalm 6:10, 2 Timothy 3:16-17
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