There’s nothing worse than beginning to let go of our kids. We changed their diapers, wiped their nose, kissed their hurts, and now they’re venturing out away from Mom and Dad for the first time…at 25. Just kidding. Heather writes, “I had a total meltdown this week when we sent our 8th grader on her Washington, D.C. trip without us. How do you make that transition as a parent?” First thing? Avoid hovering—if you’re always there, a Florida State study says your kids are more likely to be anxious and depressed compared to other kids. That’s not to say we should give them total freedom, but create safe moments with trusted friends or parents away from you. It’s going to help both of you. Remember, rest in the arms of God.
Suggested Reading: Ephesians 3:18-19, Ephesians 5:31, Proverbs 22:6
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