Remember the rich young ruler in the Bible? He asked Jesus, “What do I have to do to be saved?” Jesus was emphatic—He said, “Sell all your possessions and give to the poor and follow me.” Well, the rich young ruler couldn’t do it. He had too much stuff, and he didn’t want to give it all away. Is that you? Are you a good or a bad example to your kids? The Bible tells us the young man went away sad—not in spite of his great wealth, but sad because of it. He was owned by his things. Things aren’t evil if we use them for God. But it’s too easy for our things to become chains. All “our” things are God’s. Tell your kids that. Be generous. Because, if we don’t, we’re teaching our kids to be chained to things rather than Christ.
Suggested Reading: Luke 18:18-23
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