Parents, we need to have some guts!
One of the saddest parenting stories in the Bible is that of the Priest Eli. His two sons were off the chart greedy and immoral. All Eli did was talk to them. So, God judged Eli and his family for not [...]
One of the saddest parenting stories in the Bible is that of the Priest Eli. His two sons were off the chart greedy and immoral. All Eli did was talk to them. So, God judged Eli and his family for not [...]
We’ve all seen it: parents who try to protect their kids from poor choices they’ve made. In school, some parents view the teachers as the enemy. When their child fails or behaves badly, they blame the teacher. “If my child [...]
One of the saddest parenting stories in the Bible is the one about Eli the priest in 1 Samuel 2. The Bible says his sons were scoundrels. They were greedy and immoral. What did Eli do? He talked to them. [...]
For outsiders looking at Christians, we’ve got a lot of rules. There are the Ten Commandments, Sermon on the Mount, how to treat people, what to do in a marriage, how kids are supposed to treat parents, etc. But according [...]
During this season of COVID-19, we have been faced with a conflict. Do we yield to authority, or do we stand up for our rights? As followers of Christ, Paul is quite frank in Romans 13 when he says to [...]
Maybe you’ve heard the saying, “The only reason we let you live is to give us grandkids.” While that’s kind of funny, it’s not so funny if you’re an overbearing grandparent. Who doesn’t like to spoil their grandkids? But are [...]