My kids need Christ.
One of the things that grieves me most is knowing one of my kids isn’t following Christ. Christ was an everyday topic in our home. I wish I could tell you family devotions were a regular part of our lives, [...]
One of the things that grieves me most is knowing one of my kids isn’t following Christ. Christ was an everyday topic in our home. I wish I could tell you family devotions were a regular part of our lives, [...]
My wife and I have 4 kids. Younger parents ask us all the time what we consider the most essential principles of parenting. Here they are. Write them down. In order, they're (1) pray, (2) pray, and (3) pray. Whether [...]
There’s nothing more heartbreaking than seeing our kids, who we attempted to raise in godly homes, rejecting Christ with no sign of change. There are families who taught the Bible in their homes, talked about it daily, but the kids [...]
Dads, grandpas, is that your philosophy when dealing with conflict in your family? As husbands and fathers, God has called us to be leaders in our homes. No, not tyrannical dictators, but leaders. That means sometimes we have to make [...]
I know a family who was going through some craziness. What they were telling me just didn’t make any sense. The things that were happening went against everything they believed in, and everything the Bible teaches. Yet, one individual was [...]
Some families move every couple of years. Moving is difficult on everyone, but especially kids. I remember when we were either planning to move or we were considering moving. Bathing the move in prayer is essential right away. The first [...]
I feel your pain. We raised our kids to the best of our ability. Were we perfect? No, who is, right? But for whatever reason our kids abandoned the faith. What should we do? Pray, pray, pray. It’s easy to [...]
Some kids are incredibly shy and afraid. They cower whenever anyone they don’t know looks at them or even talks to them. Try something new? Yeah, right. How do we get our fearful kids to stop being so fearful? The [...]
“God is great. God is good. Let us thank Him for our food. Amen.” That was my childhood prayer. I probably prayed that prayer a thousand times. Do your kids say the same prayer? Sometimes we do, too. Does the [...]
In a Christian family this can be the most heartbreaking of things we’ll ever hear from our adult kids. You raised them having family devotions, praying, and pointing them to Christ at every turn but for whatever reason they’re rejecting [...]