I’ve been guilty of this. I’m waiting for a call. I take my phone out, and I put it on the dinner table WHILE WE’RE EATING. And rather than just picking up the call, which usually doesn’t happen while we’re eating, I start seeing text messages, Facebook newsfeeds, email, and other distracting notifications pop up. And rather than ignoring them, I pick up the phone. Now, if it wasn’t for my wife reminding me, I’m sure I’d get off track checking messages and not being a part of family conversations. Don’t do that. PUT YOUR PHONE AWAY. Have family time. Talk about everyone’s day. And spend some time in devotions together. While we do have an electronic version of our kids’ devotional, we also have it in printed form for non-media times. Find yours here.
Suggested Reading: Galatians 6:10
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