My kids don’t WANT to work
Today, many businesses are having trouble hiring young people who want to work. Many business owners tell me they hire young people, but they last just a few days or weeks because the work is too hard, not what they [...]
Today, many businesses are having trouble hiring young people who want to work. Many business owners tell me they hire young people, but they last just a few days or weeks because the work is too hard, not what they [...]
I wish there was a magic pill we could give our kids that would make them WANT to excel in school or do quality work with their chores. The temptation is bribing them with money or treats. The bottom line [...]
It’s not easy teaching our kids patience. In a culture where we all want our kids to be happy, we don’t want to force our kids to wait. Let’s face it—when they’re young, who wants to hear them cry and [...]
Now, if you’ve grown up in the church as I have, you’ve heard these words a lot. But, what do these words mean? “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 [...]
Today, many businesses are having trouble hiring young people who want to work. Many business owners tell me they hire young people, but they last just a few days or weeks because the work is too hard, not what they [...]
Our kids say this all the time when it comes to homework, don’t they? The question is, do they need our help or do they want us to DO it for them? I remember a number of years ago, my [...]
Our kids say this all the time when it comes to homework, don’t they? The question is, do they need our help or do they want us to DO it for them? I remember a number of years ago my [...]
If you're a parent, you've probably heard that a MILLION times, right? Kids are just selfish. Actually, we can be, too. Unfortunately, our Western culture has turned many kids (and adults, for that matter) into an entitlement society. My own [...]
Chores! Yes. Our kids need them. If there’s one thing that irritates me the most, it’s watching a child manipulate their mom or dad out of doing ANY work. How in the world are we going to teach our kids [...]