According to the Population Reference Bureau, one in 14 kids in the United States are living with their grandparents.1 That’s about 5.4 million kids. Three-generation households happen for financial difficulties. Illness, divorce, and teen pregnancy are just some of the reasons. Grandparents, let’s make it a positive situation. First, make sure your kids are being parents. You need to be grandparents. Have fun with your grandkids. Spoil them—but don’t undermine. Your grandkids can struggle if this arrangement isn’t a healthy one. Secondly, set ground rules before they move in. Set up a chore schedule, bill responsibilities, and discipline guidelines. And make sure God is the center of the house.

1This Parent Minute is based in part on statistics noted in “More U. S. Children Raised by Grandparents” by Paola Scommenga,

Suggested Reading: Titus 2:1-5