“God is great. God is good. Let us thank Him for our food. Amen.” That was my childhood prayer. I probably prayed that prayer a thousand times. Do your kids say the same prayer? Sometimes we do, too. Does the Lord’s Prayer sound familiar? Francis Chan asked this question in Crazy Love, “When was the last time you prayed to God as a real person?” My question is, when was the last time you prayed to God as a real person who’s the creator of the universe, who loves you, and gave His son’s life for you? When our kid’s hearts change, their prayers will change. In the meantime, continue teaching our kids to pray, reading the Word, and pointing them to our need of a Savior–Jesus Christ alone.
Suggested Reading: Isaiah 54:13, Proverbs 20:11, 2 Timothy 3:14-15
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